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Biodiversity Governance and Localisation Key.


By Raphael Banda


Biodiversity governance


This piece of writing will start with a question.

Do we have enough laws that protect biodiversity, if yes are they being implemented to pervert biodiversity loss?

We may be aware that biodiversity governance concerns all laws, rules, policies, and processes that govern the management, conservation, and use of biodiversity, including mechanisms for benefit-sharing, protecting rights, safeguarding against harm, and ensuring accountability.

This includes how decisions are made, power is shared, and rights and responsibilities are being enforced, these include both traditional and statutory laws.

Over the years, balancing competing interests has been one of the challenges   of biodiversity governance. There is need for systems to regulate our interactions with nature on both domestic and international scene.

This issue draws local and international attention because species don’t respect jurisdictional boundaries that are man-made, therefore they require coordinated or concerted efforts.

As journalists  localize the stories on biodiversity governance using key questions such as :

  • Could it happen here? Why or why not?
  • How does it affect my community?
  • Are there individuals in my community who are particularly affected?
  • Is there a local expert who can help my audience understand the issue?
  • Have local officials made any statements and how will my target audience benefit from the information.

Ends/// source of some of the information used is the EJN.




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