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CEEC & Airtel patner for loans

 By Raphael Banda



The Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) has partnered with Airtel

Money Zambia to quicken the process of disbursing and receiving repayments of

business loans.The partnership was announced today and comes into effect immediately.

CEEC Director General, Dr Muwe Mungule said that the partnership is providing real

value by enabling CEEC clients on the Airtel network to repay their CEEC business

loans through a secure, fast and convenient manner.

“We are certainly delighted with this partnership with Airtel Money as it gives CEEC

clients, not only marketeers a modern-day experience with CEEC. Going forward,

the Commission would like to increase its technology touch points for better service

delivery,” Dr Mungule said.

Speaking at the signing event, Country Director for Airtel Mobile Commerce (Airtel

Money) Mr. Andrew Chuma said the Airtel Money business had seen growth in many

aspects and was happy to be contributing to the National Financial Inclusion

Strategy which supports institutions to leverage on digital technologies to reduce

costs and expand financial services to both the formal and informal sectors.

“The partnership we are announcing today is an important one as we support

Government’s agenda in the 8th National Development Plan to increase access to

affordable financial services, particularly by women, youth, persons with disabilities

and the rural based population.” Mr Chuma said.

Through the Airtel Money platform, the Commission will receive loan repayments formicro-financing such as the Marketeer Booster Loans, as well as for project finance

through several other CEEC empowerment products.CEEC has so far been able to disburse over K70 million since the November 2022 toover 30,000 beneficiaries across the country.

Through loan repayments, a sustainable revolving fund is expected to be createdthat will enable other citizens benefit from the Empowerment Fund access loansfrom CEEC which will in turn make meaningful contribution to economicdevelopment of Zambia.



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