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Some views on current load shedding

 January 8th 2023.

Information Source: Clarence Moonde Muzyamba-ZEHEST Executive Director

With only 8 days in the new year 2023,ZESCO has introduced  12 hours of loadshedding which is  being implemented since 1st January,2023. 

 According to Government,this is happening because water levels have gone down at KARIBA dam where power is generated.

People have reacted differently.

The new dawn , whilst in opposition then,did promise that once they are voted into office,they will end loadshedding, infact they actually said "Loadshedding will be a thing of the past. Are we in  the past?is the question many Zambians are asking.

As  Zambian Empowerment hub for Entrepreneurship and Skills training (ZEHEST)and as Entrepreneurs, ours is to find and provide solutions. So we took to the streets of Lusaka and visited a number of communities to check on how people but more so small medium enterprises (SME,s) have been affected by this Loadshedding. What we found is a sorry sight as we found block makers,saloon and barbershop owners, metal fabricators, bars/shop owners all just idling instead of working due to loadsheading. 

Shop owners complained that their foodstuffs are going to waste while bar owners  said their beers are not getting cold resulting in low business.

In offices and internet cafes,people can't work because Laptops and phones are always off due to loadshedding.

Honestly speaking,12 hours of loadshedding for a country like ours which uses power to produce many goods and services is unproductive.

 This is why we are saying this is a risk to the growth of our economy.

Business is not happening because of loadshedding as people can't even transact on mobile money and they can't even make phone calls because their phones are off.

As a think tank organization,we have been challenged by this unfortunate predicament we have found ourselves in as a country and we have joined others who are thinking and seeking other immediate energy alternatives and solutions we can turn to.

No doubt our dependability on hydro power has landed us into this situation.

We strongly urge Government to quickly invest in other energy sources such as solar to cushion this unproductive and economy threatening loadshedding.

Be part of the solution today.

The truth is we can't have a healthy economy with this current 12 hours of loadshedding.

We therefore take this opportunity to invite all SOLAR companies both local and international to get in touch with us so that we advertise and market for them during this time of loadshedding.

ZEHEST is a think tank,  non_governmental organization working around Entrepreneurship, Environment, Governance and Empowerment programs, policies and projects.


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