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Showing posts from August, 2024

Understanding Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Zambia

  Understanding Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Zambia By Raphael Banda. Over the years, we have been hearing words like climate adaptation and mitigation, but have these terminologies played any role in the fight against climate change in Zambia or elsewhere in Africa? By definition , climate adaptation means the process of adjusting to the effects of climate change and climate mitigation means decarbonization or an   action to limit the  greenhouse gases  in the atmosphere that cause  climate change . These terminologies play a huge role in the quest to embrace climate resilience. I (as an environmental journalist and media trainer) feel that these terminologies have not helped very much to fight climate change effects here in Zambia. Writers ,advocates and   journalists must use such terminologies when addressing policy makers or making presentations at high level meetings like the forth coming COP 29 for possible policy shift. But for a common man or community actio

The Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquatic lives

  By Raphael Banda The Impact of Climate Change on Aquatic Life needs concerted efforts. The impact of climate change has had devasting effects on both human and aquatic lives in the recent past. Zambia and two of her neighbouring countries are grappling with the climate change effects that have resulted in drought and food insecurity in the affected regions. We ( environmental journalists/media development trainers ) and other environmental enthusiasts should give close attention and action on climate change impact on fisheries and aquatic lives too. According to reliable statistics, over 58 million people globally are employed in the primary fish sector and 600 million in the secondary fish sector. This sector has, however, been harshly affected by climate change. According to (IPCC 2021) report, 90% of the excess heat generated by global warming is absorbed by the ocean/rivers which are home to fisheries/aquatic lives. This has major implications on animals that live in thes