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Showing posts from January, 2024

Biodiversity Journalism Training should be rolled out to prevent further loss of biodiversity

  The Loss of Biodiversity has continued to be a matter of public concern by many environmentally focused institutions in Zambia and across the globe. Climate Change is the number one threat to biodiversity according to the studies conducted by scientists.  Difforestation and agriculture expansion have been seen as the leading causes of difforestation in Zambia and strides are being made to fight them methodically. Thus, the training of journlsists in Biodiversty like the one orgainzed by Earth Journalism Network and Internews Netwrok Zambia recently, provides an opportunity for media practioners to have the necessary knowledge meant to prevent further biodiversty  loss. A team of Journalists and CSOs on a media tour to Rufunsa district during the training organised by Earth Journalism Network and Internews Network Zambia? (January 24th-26th 2024). Links to the stories produced during the Biodiversity Training 1. ZNBC 2. ZNBC