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Showing posts from November, 2022

WaterAid Zambia on CDF

  EXPANDED CDF CAN HELP ZAMBIA ACHIEVE SDGs IN WASH SECTOR – WATERAID WaterAid Zambia says Zambia can accelerate progress towards meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and National Development Goals (NDGs) if it uses the Expanded CDF to increase investment in water, sanitation, and hygiene sector.  Country Director Pamela Chisanga noted President Hakainde Hichilema's numerous pronouncements regarding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services in Healthcare Facilities, Schools and public places.  Ms Chisanga said CDF could bridge the gap of investment required to increase access particularly at community level and in public facilities such as schools and health care facilities.  "For us as WaterAid Zambia, CDF is very critical for increased access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services. We have heard a lot of pronouncements about how CDF can be utilized. We have seen how it has been ring fenced for some interventions such as bursaries. We want to look at how CDF can be ut

COMACO intensifies climate change fight

  By Raphael Banda COMACO Takes leading role in fighting climate change Chief Change of the Chewa speaking people of Chipangali District in Eastern Province has confirmed that he has received more than 4.5 million Kwacha for carbon trading. He says the money has been received on behalf of the Chikuwe Chiefdom where he is the caretaker Chief. He says the resources will go towards different development projects like drilling of bore holes, construction of schools, clinics and bridges in the chiefdom and enhancement of the protection of forests. The traditional leader was speaking when the Community Markets for Conversation (COMACO), Media Network Action on Climate Change (MENACC) and some journalists visited his palace on a media learning tour in relation to climate change projects. Carbon trading or carbon markets pay communities to reduce deforestation. A total of nine chiefdoms in Eastern Province are involved in preservation of forests project being spearheaded by COMACO. The organiz

Zambia gears for Cop27

  Parliamentarians on Climate Change     First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Malungo Chisangano has called on members of Parliament to take keen interest matters of climate change in order to reduce its effects especially on vulnerable communities.     Speaking when she officiated a Climate Change lobby meeting for members of Parliament which was organized by the Civil Society for poverty reduction-CSPR in Lusaka today, Ms Chisangano said Parliament attached great importance to issues of climate change i  its work.     Ms Chisangano said the National Assembly of Zambia has over the years undertaken a number of measures to address climate beyond the confines of legislation and oversight in Parliament.      She said the establishment of the Zambian Parliamentary Caucus on  Environment and Climate Change -ZPCECC demonstrates its resolve to address the effects of climate change at Constituency level where the majority of the people who are affected by clim