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Showing posts from October, 2022

Story on Albinism in Zambia

 By Raphael Banda

WaterAid Zambia enhances school WASH

 By Raphael Banda

Senior Cheifs Mbuluma and Hamusonde join hands in protecting nature

 By Raphael Banda

The fight against climate change in Zambia

 By Raphael Banda

Tobacco Marketing in Zambia.

 By Raphael Banda

2019 Malpractice Free Exams -Zambia

 By Raphael Banda

Significance of COP26 to Zambia.

  By Raphael Banda Zambia is part of the over 200 World leaders who have converged in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP26 to agree on how to  step up universal action   to solve the   climate catastrophe .   Nearly 30 years ago, global leaders came together to collectively address climate change and for the first time signed a  climate convention   that commit each to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.   From that time, parties have been meeting annually to discuss the progress and challenges apart from the year 2020 where the meeting was postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.   The ongoing Conferences of Parties (COP26) that commenced on October 31 st  to November 12 th  will among other things review progress on their commitments under the  Paris Agreement ’s  goal of keeping global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.   United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson opened the Summit and described it as w